Reservations are guaranteed by a major credit card at the time of booking. Your card will be charged for your room upon check-in. Rooms will be held all night for arrival. If you do not claim your room by check-out (noon) the day following the first night of booking, you will be charged for one night. The house reserves the right to charge the card for the full stay if the room cannot be resold.
We have a rooms designated pet friendly. Sorry, no cats. Your dog will need to be crated while you are not with it in the room. There is a non-refundable $25 pet fee. Damages caused by your pet will be charged to your credit card.
damage to the rooms
There is no smoking in any of the rooms at the motel. Smoking in any of the rooms will result in a $200 cleaning fee. Any and all damage to the rooms will incur charges determined by the management.
All reservations will be charged to the card provided unless otherwise agreed upon. Cancellations will be honored 3 days prior to arrival. No-shows, cancellations or changes made after this time will result in a charge for the first night’s stay to the card provided. Rooms will be held all night for arrival. If you do not claim your room by check-out the day following the first night of booking, you will be charged for one night.